u Received Social impact award for our work during the covid-19 time and also encouraging passionate film makers.
u Received Karnataka Kala Ratna Award for our work towards the film land and kannada language and literature.
u Received Yuvaratna Award for supporting and empowering youths
u First film festival of an organizaton to recognize a Kannada web series in Karnataka through Cinema Antaranga Film Festival.
u First organization to conduct a film festival in Dharwad.
u Received 2000+ submissions and 91 countries participated in our film festival.
u Organization who conduct film festivals and various activities on charity basis without keeping any entry fee and ticket fee.
u First organization to conduct Independent feature film festival in Karnataka.
u We have started Filmaholic Club to encourage and provide platform to the passionate people interested to work in various societal activities like social works, films, theaters, music, culture, skill development and also provide internships to students..
u We felicitated social impact people who have worked for the society and development of Bangalore.
u We also recognized many National Award winning film makers from Karnataka in our events.
u We also associate and give consultancy for people in various social domains and conduct film festivals.
u We have active partners for other film festivals across the world.