A group of youngsters interested in cinema, education, sports, environment, rural development, arts & culture got together to launch Filmaholic Foundation. Filmaholic Foundation was registered as an NGO on 15th April 2017 in Bangalore under the government of Karnataka. Filmaholic Foundation (Registration No.: KA/2020/0271589 | RJN-4-00008-2017-18, Donations made to our NGO are exempted u/s 80G of the I.T. Act., 1961, Vide the D.I.T. (Exemption) Endorsement No. DIT€/80G®/47/AAATF5868KF20213, dated 2-10-2021) ).

 Filmaholic Foundation believe in visual media to create a healthy and developed society. Filmaholic Foundation is all set to build on its reputation as an important Centre of cinema, arts and cultural appreciation, rural and environment development, interpretation of cinema, performing arts, language, literature and media.


  • Transparency
  • Professionalism
  • Dedication
  • Charity
  • Dignity
  • Liberal
  • Independent


The founder trustees of Filmaholic Foundation decided to create and establish a trust to conduct programs that promote and support Indian cinema (short films, documentaries, feature films, documentaries, animation films, music videos), theater (drama), photography, Art &
Culture, education, sports, socially and economically background communities, tribes, youths, children, women and landless / small farmers, up-liftment of the poor. Creating awareness and programs related to environment, soil, energy, water, health, sanitation, public awareness about various social topics related to urban and rural development.


Filmaholic Foundation has been associated with many artists, sportsmen, social workers, social organizations, poets, government officials for our various activities. We have recognized many people from different fields of society like film industry, sports, education, print and electronic
media, social workers and students. The below are few of the programs Filmaholic Foundation has organized for the upliftment and development of society. 

Social Activities

a) Seed ball program:

Filmaholic Foundation conducted seed ball program during environmental day to create awareness on growing plants and planting seeds by not disturbing the land, not opening up the soil. Sand and compost is mixed with water keeping plant seed inside the mixture to form a seed ball. Many children, senior citizens and general public had participated in this program. Filmaholic Foundation had conducted this program in many schools and public parks. Seed balls are an easy and sustainable way to cultivate plants in a way that provides a larger window of time when the sowing can occur. They also are a convenient dispersal mechanism for guerrilla gardeners and people with achy backs. Our team also had visited farm lands across Karnataka to sow these seed balls.

b) Independence Day Go Green Cyclathon for Youth:

Filmaholic Foundation had conducted Go Green Cyclathon on Independence Day to create awareness on go-green and importance of maintaining good health through cycling. Cycling strengthens the heart, develops endurance and improve circulation which reduces the risks from coronary heart illnesses, one of the major cause of death, gaining endurance also lowers the chances of contracting some types of cancers and diabetes. Cycling also protects the environment by removing another pollution producing and traffic congestion causing vehicle from the road. Electric vehicles were also introduced in the event which helps in reducing the usage of petroleum products. Many people from the public had participated in the event and Indian Throw ball Captain Smt.Sampoorna Hegde inaugurated the event.

c) Distribution of Ayurvedic Saplings to public for healthy environment:

Filmaholic Foundation distributed free ayurvedic saplings to the public and created awareness on growing plants at home for a healthy environment. Growing plants at home has many advantages like they purify air, they reduce stress, they give healthy produce, they help one sleep better, they can help fight cold, they improve wellbeing and also they keep diseases away.
500 saplings have been distributed to the public.

d) Organized Medical Camps:

Filmaholic Foundation organized medical camps giving free treatment, medical check ups and distribution free medicines to the needy people. Conducted free and high-quality medical services for the poor people. Created health awareness among the community and teach them to deal with communicable and non-communicable. Registered rare and severe cases and refer
them to specialized centers. Refer medical cases towards surgeries if required. Medical camps are solely serving humanity by taking care of sick children and adults and giving them healthcare services for free. Even the poorest in society deserve the dignity of equal human rights which cannot be declined.

e) Street plays:

Filmaholic Foundation conducted street plays to create awareness on environment and reuse of waste materials. Change in society comes with the change in the mindset of the people and street plays can rightly achieve that goal. As youth is a country’s tomorrow, making them the target audience is a great idea for bringing about a change. Environmental awareness needs to be created through formal and informal education to all section of the society. Street play helps in creating this awareness. Filmaholic Foundation organized street play where many people involved.

f) Conducted co-curricular activities in schools to encourage students develop creativity.

Filmaholic Foundation conducted co-curricular activities in government schools for improving students learning experience at school which improves their attendance at school and increases participation rate by students in co-curricular activities. Students become creative and develop
creative skills by participating in these programs.

g) Distributed school kits to students affected by floods:

Filmaholic Foundation distributed school kits (school bags, pencil, pens, lunch box and stationary items to the children who had lost their school items due to floods in North Karnataka Gokak and other districts. We distributed the school kits to more than 300 children. The joy and happiness that was observed in the children and their parents was immense. The students were able to get to school and continue their education.

h) Distributed relief materials to the flood affected people in North Karnataka and also supported in the military rescue operations:

Filmaholic Foundation distributed relief materials to the people in flood affected areas and also supported the Indian military in rescuing the people from the flood affected areas. We provided relief materials to 500+ people in the villages of Gokak and nearby districts. The people were
given the food, medicines and temporary shelter as they had lost everything due to floods. They were happy in getting the support and started to live happily with the support provided. We also educated the people on how to prevent floods and start afforestation.

i) Distributed stationary items to government school children and orphanages Created awareness on the importance of education and schooling:

Filmaholic Foundation distributed stationary items to children studying in government schools and also taught basics of education and importance of education for their upliftment in life. Children who becomes adults of tomorrow, can only have a healthy future life if they are supported with knowledge.

j) Recognition of the achievers and Inspirational program:

Filmaholic Foundation organized an event to recognize achievers in different fields of public work. It was an inspirational program where many youngsters and people came and took part in the event. Poets, novelists, artists, social workers, civil workers, doctors many other eminent people were recognized and also they created awareness on various social topics and educated the students and public.

k) Women empowerment program:

Filmaholic Foundation conducted women’s day to encourage women achievers and train the women and young girls on various topics like education, literacy, acting and entrepreneur